Our Sweet Baby J's

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

James in June

Ewwww James! That's gross!

James and Grandma watching Toe Jam Puppet Band

James and Bonnie at Chuck E. Cheese

James and his hat, and sunglasses...

James, Jason, and their buddy Noah

Monday, July 02, 2007

Almost Three Months!!!

Jason had his 2 Month Appointment on July 2nd. He weighed 12lbs, 15 oz and measured 23 1/4 inches. That put our little roly poly baby boy in the 80th Percentile for weight and 60th Pecentile for height. He also was in the 90th Percentile for Head Circumference. There must be something big going on in there!
Jason playing on his Activity Mat. He especially likes the Turtle Mirror. What a surprise!

Jason's cranky face...

Jason's happy face!

Jason talking to his "Friend" in the Laundry Corner. When we go to change his diaper there, he just coo's and coo's and smiles. I wonder who's hiding there?

Jason in his Jumperoo. You can't see it, but there's a telephone book under his feet. He holds his head up fine, but he likes to drop his arms inside the seat. So, Jason just kind of wobbles side to side, eyes fixed on the Kangaroo.