Our Sweet Baby J's

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Get Dowwwwn!

September 2005

One of James' favorite things to do by a Year old was climb on the Coffee Table. When you would tell him to get down, he would respond by yelling "Get Dowwwwwnnn!" and pointing at you. It was at this point that we realized just what we were dealing with...

First Food

May 2005
(8 Months)

James' first "real" food was Mashed Potatoes on his Daddy's Birthday. He was 7 months old.

Half-Way To A Year

February 2005
James with his cousins Jessica and Miah. He's six months old here.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

First Trip to California

December 2004

James was 3 months when I took him to California to meet Art's family. Art couldn't come because of work at the last minute.

James' Great-Grandma Loretta put James in this little farmer hat. We all thought it was too cute! (Who wouldn't think so, look at him!!!) James' Meemo (Grandma) is holding him.

Three Months and Smiling

November 2004

When James was 3 months old, he started to show just exactly the little man he was becoming. He smiled constantly and loved the camera.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Let's Start at the Very Beginning

Here's our baby in the Hospital; his first few days of life. Strange to look back now and think about how fragile he was. Now I think about what a brute he is! If I'd known then what I know now...